Je suis Lycéen / Etudiant Professionnel

Tasks :

The Sustainable Development Manager is responsible for coordinating the social report, the health and safety policies and corporate governance. To do this, it is attached to the Director General and Director of Resources Human. He leads a small team (4 to 5 persons) which can add a good intern level.

a. Internally

  • Work with the unions of the company
  • Obtain management commitment to sustainable development
  • Propose to executives of the company training for sustainable development
  • Raising awareness among staff and employees at the contribution that each can make to sustainable development
  • Enhance what is done externally with the help of management Communication (information and training)
  • Establishment of thoughtful strategies to support initiatives of solidarity or environmental protection within the company (go a step empirical approach organized)
  • Development of financial investments socially responsible
  • Opening new markets

b. Externally

  • Continuous watch the press and public opinion survey to assess the quality of the Business
  • Meeting environmental counterparts to observe what they do and, in some cases, work with them
  • Training Mission and dialogue with stakeholders
  • Responsibilities :
  • Include sustainable development in economic logic
  • Increasing social and environmental responsibility of business for a ecological efficiency
  • Consolidate Positions cultural solidarity Company
  • Translate environmental innovation in marketing
  • Consider the expectations of staff on a project level solidarity (they feel more involved in the company, which is a how to motivate them to keep working at it)
  • Reinventing the operating modes of the business working for a behavior change, more than a technical change
  • Assess the risk associated with any particular action, the image of the company (any action proposed must be visible and yours)
  • Strategic thinking which is translated into an action plan and follow implementation thereof
  • To assess any sustainable development project by a technical reason and taking into account the issue of environment and potential harm to the residents
  • Prioritize investments planned to return in time
  • Develop a publicity official of the company and alert the whole hierarchy evolution thereof
  • Communicate the level of scoring corporate social

Skills and Profile Required:

The senior sustainable development is usually posts late career. Recruitment is usually internal, that burden is also honorary. Thus, the required profiles are mostly older profiles: HRD old, old responsible for communication or marketing, businessmen, managers, managers…Executives who returned to school to acquire a diploma course in sustainable development and young professionals may also qualify for this ext. The latter, often graduates of business schools, training in communication, management or management were involved in the humanitarian field or social cooperation. In general, they have also had experience abroad.


  • Profitability and efficiency
  • Daring, innovative and long-term views
  • Planning and organization, discipline and realism (while being creative)
  • Humility, tenacity, patience
  • Sense of Adaptation
  • Awareness of the ethical foundations of his action and his sense of commitment
  • Flexibility of mind which enables a cross-cutting issues and sharing experience
  • Sense of meaning and other social service
  • Management and Coordination Qualities Team
  • Qualities interpersonal and communication
  • Recognizing the expertise of others to build a management team operational
  • Taste for cultural sensitivity and charity

Statutes and wages in:

Business executive
Estimation of salary beginner: 1900 Euros gross per month.